

Barbarism reigns supreme in this gory tale about a horrific brutality for which Red (Cage) is determined to avenge wrongs that have destroyed his idyllic existence.  He and Mandy (Riseborough) are blissfully happy in their country abode when a pack of crazy cultists named “Black Skulls”, who get their kicks from torture and destruction, descends upon

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Former Google employee Aneesh Chaganty’s first film Searching has an uphill battle thanks to disposable horror film “Unfriended”. The latest disposable feature film trend moves from i-Phone shot movies, to having everything displayed on a computer screen, webcam, facetime or security footage. Essentially, it’s the evolution of the “found footage” concept but Chaganty’s intelligence within

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The Meg

Shark movies sell, they always have thanks to the iconic and lasting power of Steven Spielberg’s Jaws. The Meg is simply this year’s serving of that particular slice of entertainment. Touting a larger budget (experience) than recent shark flicks The Shallows or 47 Meters Down, The Meg combines the usual Jason Statham (Expendables 3, Furious

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