
Why Him?

Both James Franco (Spring Breakers) and Bryan Cranston (The Infiltrator) watched their recent film projects tank financially and critically. They combine their misfortune for a raunchy summer comedy, tweaked to grab that holiday traffic. While prestigious awards films are platforming in cinemas, Why Him offers toilet humor for audiences seeking antidotal laughs or a modern

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Bad Santa 2

It’s Oscar season, all those gripping and emotional true stories hitting theaters, rescuing viewers from a summer of sequels. However, we must keep in mind that not all ticket buyers want to be enlightened, some don’t want to leave the multiplex with warm hearts, which is why the sequel to the 2003 raunchy comedy exists.

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I think kids will really take to this animation with simple messages that will be meaningful to them, delivered in eye-catching, colorful visual effects. The message is basically pitting “look on the bright side of life” against “look out; they’re out to get you.” And further, that true happiness is inside all of us; it’s

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